Māo Kingdom™ Adoption Center

Adopting a māo is a simple process. You walk through the form below step-by-step. And at the end, you will receive a official identity certificate that contains your Kingdom Registry ID serial code. This certificate will be catloged in the centralized Kingdom Registry and available for all to see. Your māo will be removed from the available selections and is unique to you. It is very important that you save the Kingdom Registry ID serial code in a safe and accessible place as this is your key when engaging in the kingdom. The Kingdom Registry ID serial code is equivilent to your social security number in real life. Keep it safe.

Floating labels

Adopting a Māo is quick and easy. After you register your Māo, a detailed follow-up email will be sent in which you can add additional information.

O F F I C I A L   A D O P T I O N   F O R M

Oh snap!

This form seems to be invalid. Please correct the following:(


Everything seems to be ok :)


